
Office 2016 Activation Failed Friends, See Here

A few days ago office 2016 video activation tutorial, some friends reflect the activation tool pops up no activation of any product prompts, resulting in unable to activate office 2016. The pop-up hint is this:

So I have tested several other activation methods, the following is selected to activate the success rate is relatively high one.

Is still non-toxic and non-hazardous, Storm tools can not activate friends can use this tool to activate.

Step 1: Click on the first item or the second item
Step 2: Click Activation.
Step 3: Select Activate windows or office

If the installation is a retail version, will pop up the above tips, click OK.
Continue to click on the options in the picture above.

Security software tips are allowed to choose.
Finally shows the activation is successful, OK.
Finally check the activation status, confirm the activation.
Because before the win 10 system + office2016 I have successfully activated with the storm tool, so there is no other test environment.
User feedback is the win 7 system + office2016 activation failure occurred. Let's try it out.

